Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 31-34
Primary pleomorphic liposarcoma of the chest wall is a rare entity. Most of the reported cases of the chest wall liposarcomas are low grade, well differentiated with mediastinal extension. Majority of these develop from a subcutaneous lipoma. Complete surgical resection is the preferred treatment modality. The bene?t of adjuvant radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy for these tumors is a subject of debate. We report, an unusual case of high grade primary pleomorphic subtype of liposarcoma in a 50-year-old male presenting with a painful swelling in the anterior thoracic wall extending into the pleura but without any mediastinal involvement or distant metastasis.
Keywords: Liposarcoma, Pleomorphic, Sarcoma
How to cite : Parida S, Sahoo S, Pleomorphic sarcoma of the chest wall: A case report. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2022;7(1):31-34
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Received : 05-01-2022
Accepted : 10-02-2022
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